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TB Testing
Tuberculosis (TB) Testing is a state requirement for all direct care workers in home health and home care.
Our agencies follow CDC guidelines related to TB testing and screening.
An Annual Symptom TB Screening Questionnaire must be completed by each direct care worker in order to stay compliant with TB guidelines and prevent any possible spread.
Direct Care Worker: TB Process
New Employees (Baseline Testing)
Must fill out a Pre-Employment TB Risk assessment​
Must have a baseline TB Screen consisting of:
History of Negative TB test within last 12 months​,
2-Step TB Skin Test with negative findings,
TB Blood Test with negative findings, OR
Chest X-Ray with MD Statement of no TB findings
Current Employees​​ (Annual Testing/Questionnaire)
Must complete a Healthcare Personnel Annual Symptom TB Screening​
Failure to complete the annual symptom screening will result in the requirement to start the TB Test process from the beginning (See "New Employee" steps above)
For more information on Tuberculosis:
TB Signs and Symptoms: Signs & Symptoms | TB | CDC
Testing for TB Infection: Testing for TB Infection | TB | CDC
CDC Q&A on TB: Questions and Answers | Booklet | TB | CDC
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