Frequently asked Questions
How far in advance should I submit for a day off?
We ask that you submit for a day off at least 2 weeks in advance. This includes paid days off and unpaid days off.
How do I request to be removed from a schedule?
You must submit at least a two week notice to HR with a valid reason. All 2 week notices must be worked out unless otherwise authorized by caregiving supervisor.
How do I qualify for direct deposit?
Everyone qualifies for direct deposit upon hiring. However, if you get behind in your renewables or inservices, your direct deposit may be suspended and you'll have to come into the office for a paycard.
How do I access the payroll system?
Once you are entered as a new employee, you should receive an email to register for Paycor, If you do not receive an email, please contact the HR dept.
When do I qualify for insurance?
You are qualified 60 days after date of hire. After that, you have to wait until open enrollment. You may also qualify if you have a change of life circumstance. You must average 30 hours per week to qualify.
For more info on insurance, see the Benefits section on this site.
How do I get my caregiver referral bonus?
The caregiver you referred must fill out a "Referred By" form during orientation. Caregiver must be with agency at least 90 days and have worked the minimum requirement of 250 hours.
Where can I find my PTO balance and pay stubs?
Both can be found on the Paycor website or the Paycor app. Head over to the Payroll section on this site to watch the navigation video about the Paycor mobile app.
When am I eligible for 401(k)?
You must be employed for at least 90 days prior to a 401k entry date. Entry dates are July 1 and January 1. There is no requirement on minimum number of hours worked. 401k is an auto enrollment - you must opt OUT to not participate.
You will receive communication from The Standard 30-60 days prior to each 401k entry date if you qualify.
How do I get my insurance cards?
You should receive your Health EZ card in the mail. You can also carry a digital copy by downloading the Health EZ app from your phone's app store.
SunLife does not send physical insurance cards. You can access your dental card on the Maxwell portal. If you want a paper card, you can print it from your Maxwell profile.
For dental appointment, you will either need a digital copy of your insurance card or print out a copy from the Maxwell app prior to the appointment.
For a vision appointment, just provide your social security number and have them verify coverage on the VSP network.